Case Study

HSBC uses video on Twitter to align with Pride in a meaningful, effective way

Key results

Video views

Cost Per View

The opportunity

During Pride in London 2017, HSBC (@HSBC_UK) joined employees and customers around the world in showing support for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT+) equality. The bank wanted a digital strategy that would help it align with the event in a meaningful way, positioning HSBC as a champion of progress.

The strategy

@HSBC_UK created a series of emotive Pride videos, featuring people from different LGBT+ generations telling their own stories. The brand chose Twitter as its core platform: Promoted Video on Twitter captures attention with its media-forward, autoplay feature for mobile and web, while Twitter’s real-time nature and targeting capabilities made it possible for @HSBC_UK to join the conversation about Pride in London as it happened.

  • Retail
  • Case Study
  • Financial Services


Be creative in capturing attention.

@HSBC_UK used four key creative attributes that research has shown will help hold viewers’ attention: its videos featured people in the first three seconds, had early story arcs, covered topical content, and used subtitles.


Show the real faces of your brand.

By featuring an @HSBC_UK employee’s own story in one of its Pride videos on Twitter, the brand demonstrated its sincerity and authenticity in supporting the cause.


The success

@HSBC_UK used Twitter Insiders (@insiders_uk) to measure its Pride campaign success, asking its target Twitter audience for their views. Audience feedback showed that the campaign had helped HSBC to be perceived in a positive light, for example: “Before watching this I had no opinion on HSBC, but I now view the brand more positively as they have effectively brought awareness to an important issue.”

Eighty-eight percent of the LGBT+ supporters Twitter Insiders surveyed said they had really enjoyed the campaign. One audience member explained, “It was very real and touching without being cringeworthy. It presented the LGBTQ community from a different, more unusual, perspective.”

@HSBC_UK’s Pride campaign reached a wide, engaged audience, with five million video views, at a £0.02 CPV (cost per view).

‘This was an opportunity for us to explore the progress we’ve made in the past 50 years and the progress that’s yet to come. Celebrating Pride in a meaningful manner is very important to us, and Twitter has been fantastic in helping us be part of the conversation.’

Jag Sharma (@jagsharma), Social Media Marketing Manager, HSBC UK

Solutions used

Connect with what’s happening

Get in front of your audience during the moments that matter. Increase your brand's relevance, and kick off the content your audience loves.

Creative Canvas

Brands are connecting with people on X in unique and creative ways. And so can you.

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