Make March the month to celebrate and uplift women

While many brands focus efforts solely on International Women’s Day, smart marketers look to the whole month of March.

From content aimed at empowering women to impassioned calls for more and equal rights, International Women’s Day on 8th March sparks dynamic and widespread conversations on Twitter.

In 2021, people on Twitter in the UK sent 876K Tweets about #IWD, with 92% of those hitting timelines in the first half of March. And everyone was participating – the gender distribution of Tweets was just about evenly split.1

Inclusivity wins the day on Twitter.

Every March, people flock to the platform to celebrate the contributions all women have made to culture and society. As a result, people from all over Twitter celebrate the inclusivity of the day.

Brands that get involved in the conversation in authentic and meaningful ways have a real opportunity to connect with people on Twitter . When sharing the love and honouring women, remember the most popular #IWD emoji in 2021 was .1

Plan for a month-long conversation.

Clever brands know to engage over more than just one day. For instance, Women’s History Month had 105K Tweets last March, 47% of which happened after International Women’s Day.2

This gives brands the opportunity to extend their messaging beyond the first weeks of the month. They open themselves up to connecting with their key audience all month long, and in doing so, demonstrate a real commitment that goes beyond simple gestures.

Appeal to committed cause enthusiasts on Twitter.

People on Twitter in the UK are dedicated to equality and fairness. In fact, they are 6% more likely than people in general who use the internet to believe that everyone deserves equal rights.3

Not only that, but they are 41% more likely than general internet users to take to social media to connect with and support causes like women’s rights.3


For brands, the opportunity to connect to the conversation around International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month goes beyond the first couple of weeks of March. It’s a conversation that surges in March but is always happening on Twitter. This upcoming celebration is a chance to highlight brand values and reach people authentically by showing their support.

1. Twitter Internal. Comparing International Women’s Day Tweet Volume from Jan 1 - Dec 31, 2021. UK only.
2. Twitter Internal. Comparing Women’s History Month Tweet Volume from Jan 1 - Dec 31, 2021. UK only.
3. Global Web Index, Q4 ’20 -Q3 ’21. Retrieved Feb 18th 2022. UK only.


March 01, 2022
  • Insights
  • Research
  • United Kingdom
  • The Conversation Report UK

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